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Laws that are relevant to wild horses and burros are linked below.
Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act (Public Law 92-195)
Wild Horse & Burro Act Regulations (BLM Regulations)
Forest Service Regulations (This is the only website with regulations that Forest Service must follow currently available online. FS has removed all manuals, hanbooks etc pertaining to wild horses.)
BLM Handbooks, Manuals & Policy Links
PLEASE Send us an email if you find a broken link and we will update it and let you know.
This is the BLM's policies on how they will implement the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
A Citizen's Guide to NEPA (2021)
A Citizen's Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act; Having Your Voice Heard is a resource to help individuals become familiar with NEPA and the CEQ NEPA regulations. This guide describes the NEPA process and provides information on how citizens can get involved. The current edition, issued in January 2021, reflects the 2020 revisions to the CEQ NEPA regulationsU.S. DOI BLM Wild Horses & Burros Management Handbook (2021)
This handbook describes the authorities, objectives, policies and procedures that guide the management of WH&B on the public lands administered by the BLM.
The objective of this handbook is to provide guidance for the protection, management and control of WH&B in accordance with the 1971 WFRHBA, as amended, and the implementing regulations in 43 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 4700.
CAWP Standards for Wild Horse and Burro Gathers
These standards include requirements for trap and temporary holding facility design, capture and handling, transportation, and care after capture. The standards are also incorporated into helicopter gather contracts as specifications for performance.
CAWP Standards for Off-Range Corral Facilities, Transportation, and Adoption/Sale Events
This includes requirements for holding of animals in off-range corrals, transportation, and adoptions/sales events. These SOPs are incorporated into off-range corral contracts as specifications for performance.
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